martes, 5 de febrero de 2008

Meme about my posts

How long does it take you to write a post?
Depends on what's on my mind at the time. It usually takes weeks for me to mature an idea enough to publish, or at least write about it. My preference for fully-fledged posts is still present even though I am not writing much lately, but that's circumstantial. My time is quite limited now. Once my idea is mature enough, it takes anywhere from one to four hours for me to write the text, format it, look for adequate pictures on the Internet and an accompanying youtube video.

How do you like to do your posts; happy, entertaining, serious, etc?
I'm usually very introspective. My posts, even though they might sound generalized, are all about me. Some times I'm as happy as a fat kid eating cake, other times I'm bordering depression, but most of the time I'm neutral, which means I focus on ideas, meanings, consequences, abstractions and the like instead of emotion. Yes, I am a neutral person, emotionally speaking I consider myself an equilibrated individual; I rarely waste energy on irrational emotions, but I do let myself feel and enjoy every single second of my experience on Earth.

when you are thinking about a post, do you think if the readers will like it or if they will be interested in it?

when you know what to post; do you have an outline of the post, or do you simply sit in front of the computer and… type?
I simply type. Outlines work at a syntactic level whereas I actually build a mental framework (semantic level) which lets me write quite autonomously, almost automatically. Memes are a rare exception, since they DO have an outline, and it's predefined by someone else, but still I enjoy them too (they used to exist in the form of paper when I was a kid, they just moved to a different medium and changed their name).

do you ask for help when you make, or think about a post?

how long are your posts?
There's a relation lineally dependent on the amount of time I have to play with my ideas and my computer. Actually, I have 7 large topics right now on my mind I want to write about but the lack of time stops me: for I don't like half-way ideas.

what are your posts about?
Like most people: about me, but with a bit of salt. I usually derive my experience and produce a more general topic that allows me to communicate in more depth what my opinions are, or what catches my eye.

do you like to pre-visualize your posts before you publish them?
Sure. Who doesn't?

finally; what’s a post for you?
My way to express the most fundamental mind dithering, my vibration to this universe, the line that connects my dual existence. A written projection of my N-dimensional existence.

I hope Tere gets to do this meme ;).

2 comentarios:

Foodie dijo...

*plop* los vinazos!! se me habian olvidado por completo y de repente me senti extremadamente vieja :(

thanks for doing it, nunca me imagine que tus posts se encontraban tan relacionados con vos y lo que te pasa, siempre me imagine que buscabas algo sobre que escribir y luego investigabas

Tere dijo...

Mi amigo David, una de las razones por las que me gusta leerte es porque siempre conozco un poquito mas de vos y a traves de tus posts dejas ver un poquito mas de ti.

Y por supuesto que voy a hacer el meme, si me lo pides vos como decir no? jaja

Besos y abrazos